In today's world of changes, people are in search of pleasure and doesn't want to take up pain. When pleasure comes, they get cheered receiving it with complete acceptance. Whereas in turn when a pain or sorrow occurs, they weep behind, trying to get rid of it as soon as possible. There exists an instability in their nature of facing things in life. Man must aim at taking good and bad things alike.Like the two sides of a coin, pleasure and pain are just the two parts of life.
Many people forget god when they are happy. But whenever a trouble occurs, they fall into the feet of the lord for help. This is not the dharma. Devotion to god must be present throughout our life especially during the thickest and thinnest moments of life.
When we don't know how to get through a situation that feels overwhelming, our heart cries out for help. We turn to prayer and spiritual practices to find comfort and meaning, and yet sometimes it is so difficult to really feel ourselves held in God’s loving embrace. God plays games with us to test our devotion towards him. The more we struggle the situation telling His name, the more closer He comes towards us.
Enormous Devotion to God can be cultivated if we practice the habit of constant prayers, everyday. Allot some time everyday for the worship of the Lord; Place your hand upon your heart; Breathe into your heart; Open yourself to the feelings you are experiencing; Talk freely to Him; Tell Him all of your troubles and sorrows; thank Him for everything he had done and is doing for you; Pray for blessings, strength, healing, nourishment, and ask Him everything you want. This deep prayer will not only reach God but also light up the whole confidence in you. You will feel relaxed after the conversation with the Lord.A sense of happiness and courage on feeling that He, the Almighty has listened to your voice and is with you Always and Forever will make you do wonders in your life . Remember one thing:
Your prayers will never go unanswered and so, never lose your hope and never fail to pray Him.After all we are His children. God never Fails !"If god helps you in some problem, thank him for His help
and if He doesn't help you in a problem, then understand that He wants you
to face it and win it Yourself"
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