How to get rid of Habits

Very often we find ourselves unable to win over certain situations in life, just because some behaviour inside us has become a part of our daily life. These are known as habits. At first, a single impulse enters our mind. It then gradually becomes a thought, which later replicates itself as action. And actions, when performed repeatedly, eventually become Habits.
Habits can be broadly classified as Good Habits and Bad habits. Many times in life we find ourselves being troubled much more by these Bad habits, rather than good ones. Now, let us see the various methods of getting rid of these Bad habits, as explained by H.H.Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.
" The best way of getting rid of habits is to will them out of your mind at once ! Do not linger over them, lest your resolve weaken."
If your mind is strong, and if you surrender yourself to God, and forget the body, you will be able to maintain your freedom as a child of God. Make up your mind that no habit has a permanent hold on you.If your wisdom is strong, you can convince yourself in a second what you should do. Awaken the wisdom which revives the power of free will, enabling you to rise above the compulsive instincts of ordinary habits.
Wisdom is your salvation from habits.For example, if one tells a boy not to eat candies, he will want them more than ever. Suppose that when the boy grows up he has Diabetes, and his doctor tells him he will die if he eats more candy. It is his wisdom that tells him the Doctor is right, and that encourages him quickly to give up the candy habit of many years. Through wisdom man learns-sometimes.
Many people go on eating foods that they know are not good for them. But if you say, "i won't eat a food", thats the end of it. But as soon as you are convinced of the wisdom of doing a thing, nothing should be able to turn you away from doing it.You can install habits at will by the power of wisdom.
The mental habit-patterns of most people have become set, making it difficult for them to change. Those who keep their minds pliable through discipline and self-control can easily change.
Never let life beat you down. Beat Life ! If you have a strong will you can overcome all difficulties. Affirm, even in the midst of trials:
"Danger and i were born together, and i am more dangerous than danger"
-This is a truth you should always remember. Apply it and you will see that it works.
No habit is permanent and all these were not born with us ! If there are ways by which these habits could enter us, then there must surely be another way-out for these habits too. Discover the Way through wisdom and self-control. You are sure to succeed !

Courtesy : 'Imaya Geetham - April 2009'


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